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3X Beginner's Guide Instructional Videos [Unlimited]


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The Beginner's Guide with Instructional Videos is here to teach the young or beginner pitcher, the revolutionary approach to pitching, called 3X Pitching. This guide will take you through all of the beginning stages of 3X Pitching so when you finish this book, you are prepared to take it to the next level with the Ace Pitcher Handbook.

This guide will open your eyes to how you perceive the pitcher and it will more than likely challenge what you feel you already know about pitching. This approach to pitching is a product of science, trial and error, a major rotator cuff injury, a long pitching career that finished at the professional level, some of the athletic worlds best coaches and total frustration with the conventional wisdom of the game.

What will you learn from this Guide?
  1. How to avoid starting on the wrong foot.
  2. The basics of 3X Pitching.
  3. How to survive pitching young.
  4. How to avoid youth pitching injuries.
  5. 3X mechanics for the beginner.
  6. The 3X beginner drills.
  7. The 3X beginner training.
  8. Taking it to the next level and much more!
IMPORTANT NOTICE: You must open your mind and be able to think out of the box from this point on!

This approach to pitching is revolutionary because it goes against conventional wisdom. It goes against most of the language used to coach this position for the past hundred years. If you have a hard time opening your mind to different perspectives, then this guide will not help you. More than likely it could really upset you. If you can open your mind to an out of the box approach to pitching then this guide will live in your back pocket.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” - Charles Darwin quote

This is one of my favorite Darwin quotes and it is perfect for the athlete. Your success as an athlete is based around your ability to change and adapt. If you believe that this is true then I should have your undivided attention and you will reach your velocity goals at the completion of this program.

What the 3X Beginner's Guide Instructional Videos Include:
  1. 3X Beginner Drills
  2. 3X Beginner Training

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If you are not satisfied with the videos and you want your money back then I will offer a 30 day money back guarantee.

  • Model: 004
  • 999 Units in Stock

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This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 03 August, 2011.

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